IASBS2019 Useful Tips

  • Dear IASBS 2019 registrants: On behalf of IASBS & DILA Conference Organization Committee, we welcome you in participating the 19th IASBS Conference and welcome you to Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts located on the campus of Dharma Drum Education Center of World Buddhism. As the Conference will be held on a Buddhist monastic campus, the Secretariat Office has several things to remind everyone.


    • The Online registration will begin on April 19th. There will be a grace period through May 15 and after May 15 you will be charged with full registration fee.
    • As there is no restaurants on DDM campus, we will provide Vegetarian lunch and dinner (and breakfast for participants staying at DDM dormitory) during the Conference and the expanses are included in the registration fee.
    • DILA provides limited on campus dormitory rooms (see the picture below for their facilities). If you choose to stay in DILA dormitory please make a reservation whey you register for the Conference.


    • As Dharma Drum is a Buddhist center, please do not bring alcohol or non-vegetarian food with you.


    • The conference will prepare a notebook computer running Windows at the conference venue, preloaded with MS Powerpoint 2010 and Acrobat PDF Reader. If you need to use your own computer, a standard HDMI (recommended), and a VGA projector connector will be available on site.
    • Mac users will need to use their computers for their presentations. Please remember to bring the corresponding adaptor and please go to the venue to test the projection equipment beforehand.


    • The three-day conference includes keynote speech, paper presentations, and excursion.
    • The official language of presentation is English. Japanese and Chinese can be used in presenting papers but the Conference will not provide on-site translations.

    Electrical Equipment



    Drinking Water

    • Water dispensers are available on campus and we will also provide tea and beverages during the breaks. For the sake of environmental protection, we suggest you bring your own flask or travel mug.

    • We wish all of you a pleasant journey to Taiwan and looking forward to see you soon at Dharma Drum Mountain.



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