19th IASBS Biannual Conference Program


[Day1] Friday, May 24, 2019
14:00 Check-in and Registration
14:45 [GC102]
Opening Ceremony1. Ven. Dr. Guo Huei [WELCOMING REMARKs]

Abbot President of Dharma Drum Mountain

Associate Professor, DILA

2. Ven. Dr. Huimin [Opening Speech]

Professor & President of DILA

3. Professor Mitsuya Dake [Opening Remarks]

President of IASBS

Professor, Ryukoku University

15:15 ~ 17:00 [GC102]
Session 1 Shin Buddhist Thought in the Early Modern Period
Chair: Scott Mitchell (Institute of Buddhist Studies)
1. Yuichi Tsunoda (Associate Professor, Sophia University)

“Dynamics of Contemplation: The Structure of Self-Recognition in Kiyozawa Manshi”

2. Nobuya Dake ( PhD. Candidate, Graduate School of Ryukoku University)

“The Creation of the Authority of Tannishō in modern period”

3. Jeff Schroeder (Assistant Professor, Oregon University)

“Two Paradigms of Shin Studies: A Kuhnian Analysis”

4. Xiao Yue (Special researcher of Research Institute of Byukkyo University)

“On the Practical System in the Pure Land Sūtras”

17:15 ~ 18:00 Dharma Drum Mountain Campus tour
18:30 ~ 19:30 Dinner
19:45 ~ 21:15 Steering Committee Meeting

[Day2] Saturday, May 25, 2019
08:30 AM Check-in and Registration
9:00 ~ 10:30 [GC102]

Session 2 Oversea Activities of Shin Buddhism

Chair: Mitsuya Dake (Ryukoku University)

1. Ichido Kikukawa, (Ryukoku University Center for the Studies of Buddhist Culture)

“Unofficial Envoy: Shin ministers who went to Hawaii prior to the Hongwanji’s mission”

2. Ken Yamada, (Higashi Honganji Shinshu Center of America)

“Jodo Shinshu in California: Observations, Trends and Challenges”

3. Jessica Main (Associate Professor, University of British Colombia)

 10:45 ~ 12:15 [GC102]

Session 3 Life Story of Shinran

Chair: Inoue Takami (Otani University)

1. Junsho Hashimoto (Research Assistant, Hongawanji Research Institute)

“Shinran’s training at Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt Hiei as ‘Doso’ ”

2. Ryoei Nanjo (Adjunct Lecturer, Musashino University)

“An Examination of Shin Propagation in Terms of Legendary Stories Told About Shinran”

3. Ayako Osawa (Postdoctoral fellow, The Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute)

“The Process of Constructing the Couple Image of “Shinran – Eisin-ni” in the Japanese Modern Period”

 10:45 ~ 12:15 [GC103]

Session 4 Meditation, Training, and Religious Experience

Chair: Guoxing  (Assistant Professor, DILA )

1. Guojing (Associate Professor, DILA, Dean of Chung-hua Institute of Buddhist Studies)

“ Non-duality of Chanting Buddha’s Name and Can-chan: Contemporary Challenge and Development” 念佛與參禪不二之挑戰與發展

2.  Chang, Yawen (Ph.D. Student, DILA)

“Instructional Action Research on the Application of ‘Counting-beans Chanting Buddha’s Name’ in Daily Practice of Meditation” 數豆念佛於禪修生活應用之教學行動研究

3. Kamil Nowak (Ph.D. Candidate Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Visiting Student, DILA)

“ Chan, Pure Land Buddhism, and Some Reflections on the Process of Decontextualisation of Religious Experience”

12:15 ~ 13:15  Lunch
 13:15 ~ 14:45 [GC102]

Session 5 On Meditation and Hōnen

Chair: Jessica Main (Associate Professor, University of British Columbia)

1. Toshikazu Arai (Professor Emeritus, Soai University)

“Nembutsu as the Ultimate Form of Meditation

 2. Tatsuji Hojo (Researcher, Jodo Shu Research Institute)

“Buddhist meditative elements in the teaching of Honen”

3. Takami Inoue (Professor, Otani University)

“Shinran’s Criticism of the ‘Transfer of Merit’ as Self-Powered Practice”

4. Tatsuaki Harumoto (Researcher, Jodo Shu Research Institute)

“Meditation and Hōnen’s Pure Land Buddhism”

 13:15 ~ 14:45 [GC103]

Session 6: On Meditation and Practice

Chair: Michael Conway (Otani University)

1. Sawazaki Zuiyo (Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Ohtani University)

“The relation between Pratyutpanna Samādhi and Sūraṃgama-samādhi”

2. Nasu Eisho (Professor, Ryukoku University)

  “Genshin’s Development of a Method for Contemplating Amida’s Byakugō (白毫観) and Its Influence on Japanese Pure Land Practice”

3. Grzegorz Polak (Professor, Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland, Visiting Professor Chengchi U/DILA)

“Asceticism or meditation? Some remarks on the true character of the practices preceding the Buddha’s awakening in the early Buddhist texts”

15:00 ~ 16:45 [GC102]

Public Panel 1

The Future of Collaborative Buddhist Studies among East Asia and the West

Chair: Mitsuya Dake (Professor, Ryukoku University)


1. Mark Blum (Professor, University of California)

2. Jessica Main (Associate Professor, University of British Columbia)

3. Wejen Teng (Associate Professor, DILA)

4. Takami Inoue (Professor, Otani University)

17:30 ~ 18:30 Public Keynote Lecture

Dr. Kenneth Tanaka

(Former President of IASBS, Professor Emeritus Muashino University)

“The Role of the Visualization Sutra in the Formation of Pure Land Practice in China: Visualization and Recitation”

18:30 ~ 20:30 Reception

[Day 3] Sunday, May 26, 2019
9:00-10:50 [GC102]

Public Panel 2

Problems and Possibilities for the Spread of Shinran’s Thought in Contemporary Global Society

Chair: Takeshi Kaku (Professor, Otani University)

1. 陳敏齢(CHEN Minlin 輔仁大學宗教學系兼任教授)

“The Problems and Potential for the Spread of Shinran’s Thought in Global Society: The Encounter between Shinran’s Thought and Chinese Buddhism”「親鸞思想と中国仏教との出会い」「親鸞和中國佛教的會遇」

2. 森村森鳳(MORIMURA Rinho, Professor, Doho Univesity)

“The Profound Significance of “Made to Become So By Itself” (Jinen) in Shinran’s Thought”「親鸞における「自然」の奧義」「亲鸾思想中的“自然”之奥义」

3. 邁克爾 康威 (Michael Conway, Lecturer, Otani University)

“The Limitations of the English Translations of the Kyōgyōshinshō and the Need to Create an English Language Commentary on the Text”「『教行信証』の英訳の限界と英文注釈書作成の必要性について」「關於《教行信証》英文翻譯的界限及寫成英文註釋書籍的必要性」

4. 馬庫斯 呂施(Markus Ruesch, Visiting Researcher, Ryukoku Unviersity)

“The Potential of Biographies on Shinran: Examples for Interreligious Dialogues and the Possibility of Intercultural Dialogues”「親鸞伝のポテンシャル:宗教間対話の事例と文化間対話の可能性」「親鸞傳的潛能:宗教間對話的事例和文化間對話的可能性」

11:00 Closing Ceremony
12:00 Lunch and Excursion